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Geometric Error

In this section, we compare the mean and maximum geometric error of the results of our program with those of six other mesh simplification programs to determine the accuracy of our chosen simplification method. See our Results chapter for data we collected using the Metro tool[#metro##1###] on eight levels of detail of the Stanford bunny model; see [#!lindstrom!#] and [#!evaluation!#] for the results of the same process for six other mesh simplification programs on the same model. We compare our results with those of our peers in Figures [*] and [*]. See our Literature Review chapter for a description of what these numbers measure.

Figure: Comparison of the mean geometric error for eight levels of detail among seven mesh simplification programs[#!hoppe93mesh!#,#!progressive_meshes!#,#!cohen96simplification!#,#!garland!#,#!lindstrom!#,#!ciampalini97multiresolution!#]

Figure: Comparison of the maximum geometric error for eight levels of detail among seven mesh simplification programs[#!hoppe93mesh!#,#!progressive_meshes!#,#!cohen96simplification!#,#!garland!#,#!lindstrom!#,#!ciampalini97multiresolution!#]

Tim Garthwaite 2002-02-03